www.gusucode.com > matlab编程用户界面的卡尔曼滤波程序源码 > matlab编程用户界面的卡尔曼滤波程序源码/Kalman filter_GUI/m_files/page2.m

    function page2
t={'\fontname{Times New Romman}\fontsize{9}You can initialize the filter from a mat ',...
    'file, which is composed of A, B, H, Q,',...
    'R, P0 and X0, standing for \Phi_k_+_1_,_k(n\timesn), ',...
    '\Gamma_k_+_1_,_k(n\timesp),H_k(m\timesn), Q_k(p\timesp), R_k(m\timesm), ',...
    'P_0_,_0(n\timesn), and X_0_,_0(n\times1) respectively;',...
    'or you can input the data directly to '...
    'get the filter initialized.'
%t={ '\fontname{Times New Romman}\fontsize{9}If you want to initialize the filter from',... 
%   ''...
%    'file, the file format is to be:',...
%    ''...
%    '      The first three lines are n, p and m,',...
%    ''...
%    '\fontname{Times New Romman}\fontsize{9}followed by \Phi_k_+_1_,_k(n\timesn), \Gamma_k_+_1_,_k(n\timesp),',...    
%    '',...
%    'H_k(m\timesn), Q_k(p\timesp), R_k(m\timesm), P_0_,_0(n\timesn),',...
%    '',...
%    'and X_0_,_0(n\times1).',...
%    '',...
%    '       Use ''0'' to expand all the data to a',...
%    '',...
%    'rectangle.'};% not used in stand-alone exe file %